What is a led display board: Led screen major Applications in 2021

2月 26, 2021

Led display board technology is a great differentiator for any business concerned with the customer experience. Investing in innovations at the point of sale is essential to attract public attention. Make your space more attractive and interactive. You need to focus on attract more traffic to the store and, consequently, increase sales.

How do led display boards win the customers?
We talk about winning the consumer by looking, where we receive more than 85% of information from the outside world. Digital content is the essence of this new selling point. They enrich the POS with videos, photos and texts that are fast and effective, so that the consumer reacts positively.
We are in the ERA OF INTERACTIVITY, of self-service information, where consumers need to have at their fingertips everything that is necessary to help in their purchase decision. Based on that, we selected some advantages, of investing in LED display panels for POS.

1. More visibility for the POS with curved led screen

led display board

The curved led screen is one of the fastest growing digital signage solutions. It allows led display to reach, from a wider audience, to more select and segmented audiences. Its prominence can also be attributed for generating more impacts than the traditional static media.

A survey by Rich Media Technologies shows that 63% of respondents say they were attracted by advertisements made on digital panels. The same study shows that 84% of UK retail entrepreneurs use digital screens as a way to strengthen their brands.

  1. Communication with high impact power
    We are more and more accustomed to digital screens, be it TV, cell phone, computer or several others that we encounter on a daily basis. So, digital screens are likely to get our attention the most.

A POS equipped with curved led screen can not only show the public that the company is aware of the best way to provide quality information and entertainment, but also that its brand is aligned with modernity and technological development.

3. Influence on the led display board purchase decision

With the use of led display board you can vary the strategy of reaching customers. Do you know when the customer enters the store just to “take a look”?

According to VCA Global, 42% of consumers decide to buy in establishments that have digital screens. In addition to reinforcing the display of products, the 2 digit led display are able to make the customer see the true value of the product, that is. Moreover, its benefits go beyond the purchase price.
4. Intelligence and interactivity of 2 digit led display box

Have you ever imagined entering a store and, when picking up an item, the showcase itself presents more information about the product? It shows images of it being used and comments from buyers?

Sensors enable the content of 2 digit led display to interact with the public according to the action taken with the product. This can be a great differentiator when defining merchandising strategies in the store, creating a much more immersive experience.

Some 2 digit led display already have technology that indicates the areas most frequented by customers in a given period, through a heat map. This allows for much more targeted and assertive communication.

5. Agility in updating content with led display board

Modern, versatile and impactful, Foldable led screen can be applied in different environments, for a number of purposes. The media that is played on the screens is programmed using software that allows you to plan a diversified program of content. Moreover, it may vary according to the time of day. In addition, with a few clicks the content can be updated simply and in real time.

The consumer experience is a fundamental part of making your business successful. With a good experience, it is very likely that people will buy again in your store in future opportunities. And they still refer to other potential customers. Moreover, it creates a positive and memorable image of your brand.

How to clean your LED display board?

led display board suppliers

Before cleaning your panel, it is necessary to check if the product is an INDOOR or OUTDOOR LED panel, certified as such, let’s go to the tips:


In outdoor panels, the first item is to clean is the LED module (exposed part). In this case, the washing will be done with water and neutral detergent. And we should rub it lightly, with a broom or soft bristle brush, with little pressure. Do not forget:

  • High pressure machines should never be used
  • Never scrub with force or cleaning equipment, as this may damage the DIODE;
  • Use a running water hose, under pressure.

Check that there was no water entering the cabinets / fountains or modules during the washing process. If so, do not turn on the equipment and call a specialist;

Air or forced drying:

In the case of normal temperature, humidity and wind speed check that the product is completely dry before cleaning the LED panel. In the case of high temperature and humidity, we can use an air gun, with a pressure of less than 3 kg.

Turn on the panel and check for any faults in the data or AC contacts.


In the case of INDOOR panels, the LED module (the exposed part) is the first to clean. In this case, dry cleaning is good to go with compressed air. Do not forget:

  1. High pressure compressed air machines (greater than 3 kg) should never be used
  2. Never scrub with force or cleaning equipment that could damage the diode
  3. Never use water on INDOOR panels.

The intention of this process is to clean the dust, impurities and pollution that they fix in front of the LED modules / masks over time. ATTENTION: We advise that these cleaning processes are carried out by the specialized team. It is to avoid problems or errors in the handling of the equipment, since the Foldable led screen are relatively sensitive.

Then the cleaning must take place inside the panel. In this case, it is much more dangerous, as it contains energy and exposed connectors / electronics.

Remove all dust and pollution / dirt that are inside the cabinet, fountains, coolers, cooler filters and internal circuit boards with vacuum cleaner and blowers. Moreover,  if it is necessary clean in the regions of salt spray isopropyl alcohol.

Apply a repair spray to Foldable led screen

This product has a multifunctional effect. That is, function to shine and repair, making the screen visually more luminous as if it were new. At the same time, it has anti-static, anti-dust and anti-corrosion functions. Dust from the surface is easily removed, repelling water and keeping the surface clean. The PH value is 7.5 and there is no risk of damaging the panel;

Air or forced drying: in the case of normal temperature, humidity and wind speed check that the product is completely dry before cleaning the LED panel. In the case of high temperature and humidity, we can dry with an air gun, with a pressure of less than 3 kg.

Turn on the panel and check for any faults in the data or AC contacts.

How to choose the best LED panel for your business?

This is a very common question among people who want to purchase an LED screen. However, in order to be more assertive in the response, it is important to note that there are variables for each case. We emphasize that there is no standard answer, as each project has an objective, budget and idea.

So, for our experts to help you, some extra information is needed. So, just continue reading the text!

Where do I intend to install the LED panel?

led display screen

In this case it is extremely important to have a photo of the intended location, so we will have a notion of several points, such as: whether it is indoor or outdoor, whether it receives rain or not, what is the intensity of brightness needed.

What are my main goals with this LED screen?

Here, we will understand if your stimulus will be communication in retail, institutional, flashy images, digital architectural design or some other reason. It is important to know the intended content on the screen. Hence, we can arrive at the best cost-benefit for your project, thus defining the appropriate resolution for this visual communication.

In which environment will I install the panel?

Brightness + content + resolution + viewing distance will be one of the sets that will indicate the perfect choice of brightness. Having information about distance from the target audience is of great relevance for this choice.

What is the best cost benefit between size and resolution?

This is a question that we love to answer because when we talk about Led screens. We always understand it as something superlative, great! Understanding the client’s budget allocation is essential. Our desire will always be to create an iconic, emblematic project that really makes an impact in being different and disruptive.

It is one of the great charms of this LED technology. This answer will invariably be associated with the previous questions.

Why do moving images on led display board attract more public attention?

We know that on a daily basis people find it more difficult to pay attention to advertisements on billboards. So when it comes to advertising investment, you should invest in much more than just an image. And with the technology of LED screens, you can not only get information about billboards, but also interact with them.

led display

But after all, why do moving images get our attention the most?
Why are we more attracted to images? Human beings are naturally attracted by eye contact. It can be from an image or a video, that is, people prefer to consume information in this type of format. And this is because the information in visual format is more attractive, drawing more public attention.

Our brain, for example, processes images simultaneously, so it is much faster to absorb information in visual format. We also have studies showing that, people usually remember only 10% of what they heard, 20% of what they read and 80% of what they saw.

That is, with these numbers it becomes clear why it is crucial that you apply visual content in your business.

Get to know the LED display Panel and use it to promote your company

ED panel is an extremely advantageous resource in different aspects for your campaign? Curious to know all the details? Come on!

Any tip that aims to improve the sales and advertising conditions of your company or product is always welcome, isn’t it?

Today our theme is the digital LED panel and you will be able to understand why it is replacing the other visual communication resources.

  • Why is digital visual communication overlapping others?
  • Why use the digital LED panel?
  • See which is the ideal LED electronic panel for your company
  • Check out other benefits of the LED panel
  • How to have access to custom Led display module?
  • Looking for sale or rent LED panel?

Why use the digital LED panel?

Like the other visual communication features, the digital LED panel is fully customizable. It is both in the type of panel, as in the formats and resolution, ensuring the visualization of the complete communication even from a distance.

So far nothing new, is it? However, the electronic LED panel differs precisely because of its ability to stand out better and attract public attention anywhere. It can be on a gondola in a pharmacy or on the facade.

The digital LED panel not only draws more attention, but also catches the eye of the receiver in the advertisement, in this case, your customer.

In addition, with Led display module you can display various contents. Similarly, it allows the public to stay even longer with their eyes focused on the message.

See which the ideal LED electronic panel is for your company

Now that you know a little more about Led display module, it is a time to have access to information. It will help you choose the most suitable equipment for your company’s activity or profile.

Possibly, you have come across different models of Led display box and, it does not take a lot of mental effort to remember how there is a certain pattern in this use.

For example, the LED panel used in gas stations, supermarkets, shopping malls, electronic equipment stores, clothing, household items and civil construction.

In turn, buffets and spaces for events, nightclubs and shows are some businesses that use the electronic LED panel, to see which videos, animations and / or broadcasts are now very present in musical lives.

The ideal, therefore, is that you identify the need of your company and adjust to the model of digital LED panel that best fits the need, always aiming for success in visual communication.

And here are some questions to ask that can help you.

  • The panel will be used outdoors or indoors.
  • Want to attract more customers who are walking down the street or shopping?
  • I want to increase the average ticket, disclosing better prices, products and promotions?
  • Want to sell advertising?

Check out other benefits of the LED display panel

After discovering the advantages of digital Led display module, from a visual and advertising point of view, it is necessary to demonstrate what are their functional benefits and are also extremely relevant for any company.

Certainly, when investing in Led display box, companies are not only aiming at the profit resulting from advertising campaigns, but also at reducing costs that LED technology can offer.

The light-emitting diode, as the LED is also known, is a highly economical lighting resource, as it has a low incidence of heat during its operation, having a low electricity consumption rate.

In addition, electronic Led display module is environmentally friendly as they do not emit any harmful substances to the environment, are more durable and have simplified maintenance.

How to have access to custom LED panels? 

If you are convinced of the advantages and differentials of using electronic Led display box in your visual communication strategies, it is recommended to look for specialized companies.

This is because, in addition to guaranteeing access to the most modern products on the market, a specialized company is able to produce a customized LED panel according to your needs.

In fact, a custom LED panel covers all its features, such as shape, size, and installation mode, among others.

Therefore, prioritize companies that offer tailor-made LED displays, so that they can help your company win new customers and consolidate itself in the market and improve your sales.

Advertising LED display: see how easy it is to use

Advertising LED display panel is a real sensation among commercial establishments and events. Do you want to know the best way to use them? Read on and find out!

In this brief and exclusive article, you will learn about the best ways to develop LED advertising strategies.

Thus, you can leverage your company, promote a product or consolidate your brand.

Today, you will see why to use Led display box in your advertising and what are the benefits of the LED panel for advertising.

In addition, if you have doubts about how much a led advertising panel costs or where to buy or rent LED advertising panels, we will also help you.

Before we start, know that the tips and suggestions presented below are suitable for any business style and format, from the visual communication resource to the needs of your company.

Ready? So, come on!

  • Discover the advantages of Led display box
  • Why use the LED billboard?
  • How much does advertising LED panel cost?
  • Looking for Curved led displays for visual communication?

How much does advertising LED panel cost?

First of all, keep in mind that the LED panel used for visual communication requires a financial investment slightly above the more traditional methods.

However, the benefits previously mentioned, such as the ability to entertain consumers and the significant reduction in electricity costs, for example, are some particularities that justify the use of Led display box.

Although all the characteristics are significant and determinant for the choice of the LED panel as a visual communication tool, the value invested in the structure is in fact a criterion to be considered.

However, the price of an advertising led panel will depend on the model chosen for your advertising or visual communication action.

That is, the bigger and more modern equipment, the more expensive it will be.

Therefore, it is not possible to determine an average value for Led display box, but the guarantee of varied prices, compatible with the financial budget of any person or company exists.

In addition, the purchase of an LED panel is not the only way to have access to this type of technology, since there are companies that specialize in renting the LED panel most appropriate to the context of your company or event.

led display board company

Looking for LED panels for visual communication?

The  LED display panel is a modern company focused on providing high quality and efficient products to all its customers.

Whether with the purchase or rental of Led display box, your advertising campaign or event will feature a differentiated structure, compatible with the level of excellence of your company or product. Do not waste any more time: contact now our service team from The LED and present your demand.

LED panel: find out the reasons for using it!

LED panel can offer you modern and innovative resources to ensure the highlight for your products, your company and brand. Do you know how to invest in this marketing and advertising tool? If not, we will help you

Do you happen to know what the advantages of investing in Led display box are?

Today, we separate this exclusive content to explain how to use the LED panel for the benefit of your company

In addition, you will also see here a comparison between the panels manufactured in LED with other similar items.

Curious to find out all about the Curved led displays? So, come on!

  • What are the advantages of Led display box?
  • How can your company benefit from this tool?
  • Comparing Curved led displays with other equipment
  • How to access the digital LED panel?
  • Thinking of investing in LED panels?

What are the advantages of 2 digit led display panel?

Led display box, in general, are a more modern and advantageous alternative to compose any resource, be it to monetize advertising spaces, compose scenarios, offer POS experience, visual communication, among others.

However, the popularity and massive use of Led display box is not justified by their versatility.

This is because LED technology, as the light emitting diode is also known, has the following differentials:

  • It has very low heat emission. Therefore, Curved led displays are more economical;
  • It is an ecologically correct and sustainable product;
  • LED panels can be good to use in low voltage installations.
  • Curved led displays shine in any environment and brightness

How can your company benefit from led display module?

In accordance with what has already been said, Curved led displays are extremely versatile and guarantee different applications, according to the needs of each company.

For example, the outdoor LED panel ideal for outdoor areas can withstand any weather, while the indoor LED panel is perfect for indoor environments such as walls, columns or even front panels. Both used in the most diverse purposes of advertising campaigns to simply visual communication to draw the attention of customers in commercial establishments.

What are the modern curved led display panels?

The most modern models of the indoor LED panel and the outdoor LED panel far exceed projections in definition and brightness, in the most varied luminosities, which guarantees a great advantage since we do not always have the correct luminosity for projection.

The external Curved led displays can be good to use at gas stations, car dealerships and entrances to hypermarkets.

It means, for example, that the external LED panel guarantees full viewing of people, regardless of the angle, incidence of sunlight or excess moisture from rain.

How to access the digital LED panel?

Nowadays, the market specialized in LED panels offers at least two options for access to technology, designed to respect the financial budget and real needs of each client.

In other words, we can buy Led lighted base for small or long periods, which is excellent because we can buy them according to the interests of the companies.

The advantages of purchasing Led lighted base are excellent and, for companies with greater purchasing power, the purchase of equipment is an investment that can bring a financial return in different ways.

Three curiosities about the LED

Currently LED lighting is present in our daily lives. The product presents more and more efficiency and advantages over more traditional lamps. In addition, the product has an infinite range of applications, and it is not just another way of lighting, with the evolution of Led lighted base, today this is a world of dreams, which connects online to the real world.


Did you know that the history of LED starts in England, goes through Russia, France, the United States and Japan?
At the beginning of the 20th century, in 1907, an Englishman named Henry Round discovered. It was the combination of some materials can generate luminosity. Later, Russian physicist Oleg Lossew studied Henry’s discovery and developed it.

Consequently, this advance in the theme, made the French physicist Georges Destriau, discover the emission of light by zinc sulfide.

But it was not until the 1960s that General Eletric engineer Nick Holoniak Jr. developed the first LED lamp in history. Until then only in red, but, later, the colors of yellow and green lamps appeared.

And it was only in the 90s, that the Japanese Shuji Nakamura created the LED in blue color and, from that, it was possible to create the white LED, and then with the combination of the three basic colors: red, green and blue (RGB) . This final discovery made the LED technology never stop developing.

The assembly of LED panels is similar to that of a LEGO
Did you know that we can assemble led display board panels in different sizes and formats, and still continue to display images of the highest resolution?
The joining of several plates forms a panel. So this versatility in assembly and disassembly resembles a Lego. In addition, they are waterproof and work very well, even with the incidence of light.

Lighted display case has high technology!
Make no mistake, but the Lighted display case has a very high technology to work so perfectly. It’s like a high-end cell phone. Therefore, they require a specialized workforce, in addition to a good management system to manage the content.
However, once you have contact with technology, you fall in love!

Flexible led screen price how much does it cost?

The lighted display case is like any other technology, it has for all tastes and pockets. In the market in general you find many offers, from a sign or even a panel of very high resolution, there are some points that are important for you to know.

In addition to the price …

If you are looking for a led panel to buy it is important to know some points. You need to think about the infrastructure, the structure for fixing the panel (depending on the size) and maintenance.

Therefore, in addition to the price, you must be attentive to the assistance they will provide before and after your purchase. This is a guarantee that you must demand for your safety.

Is it worth buying a curved led screen panel?

Many companies today offer other business options for you to take advantage of this technology, but you don’t have much money to spend at the moment, in addition, there are the other points mentioned above that are important, and often the purchase does not guarantee you, for example, good technical assistance.

So, we recommend good market research and a conversation with those who understand the subject before hitting the hammer. One thing is certain, it is important that this company or supplier is reliable and has been in the market for some time.


LED PANEL for showcase, facade or visual communication of stores, the most versatile option for your business.

Why have an LED PANEL in my store?

Today we know that impact is a decisive purchase factor, with the constant use of cell phones and computers, our consumer experiences are increasingly differentiated and customized.

Therefore, there is nothing more fairly than this type of approach to be present in physical stores and POS. And the LED is the equipment that allows an immense range of possibilities to impact and create a differentiated experience for its customers.

Why invest in the LED PANEL for my store?

  • advertising your brand and products 24 hours
  • create a differentiated experiences
  • modernity, sophistication and sustainability
  • increase people traffic
  • + sales and sales of aggregate products
  • remote content exchange and promotion promotions in real time

Then, see this option of led panel on the facade of a real estate store:

Is renting LED display board worth it?

When it comes to events of any kind, to achieve better results and greater public participation, the solution is to rent Lighted display case.

The quality and effects presented by the Lighted display case are already well known and you will be able to make your event a great success.

We can supply the LED panels in the most diverse sizes, attending to each specificity of each event. And you can still use them for any type of event, whether inside a place or outdoors.

The panel is a type of equipment that offers high definition images, causing a better visual impact, bringing profitability to the event that any other type of event cannot offer. Thus, you who are event planners will have a better return on your investment.

The rental of Lighted display case for events is the best alternative to offer your audience the best show, giving everyone the opportunity to feel closer to the stage, especially in artistic shows with a greater crowd.

LED display boards: all the advantages and benefits for your event

With the rental of Lighted display case for events you can use the financial resources to make your event even grander. Without having to invest in the purchase of equipment, you can invest more in advertising, especially to publicize the event you want to hold.

In addition, you will also have a specialized and properly trained team to offer the best project, installation and monitoring of your event, making it a successful show.

It does not matter the type of event promoted, be it social, corporate, sporting or artistic. We have the best solution for any of your needs. We have been in the market for several years and our team is trained to offer the best for your event and for your audience.

That way, you won’t have to worry about assembling the panels, their maintenance and assistance during any event.

Want to led display boards for advertising?


THIS is the biggest trend and is here to stay. Several stores have used Lighted display case to enhance brand reach and retain customers. One way to attract the attention of the public, the LED PANEL has this function of saying to your customer:
– Enter here, see what I have to offer!

THAT’S why the LED PANEL is the best advertising solution for your business!

About led display box

The LED panels are made with super advanced technology, so they are resistant, durable and yet have a quality image – which causes an unforgettable visual impact!

A well-done advertising campaign is directly linked to the growth of a brand, so this is an investment that brings many benefits. The led panel fits perfectly in this because it is versatile, we can assemble it in different sizes and formats. It fit your company’s advertising / marketing proposal. It is also environmentally friendly.


The purchase of the led panel for advertising must be made with a reliable company with market know-how. You will literally purchase hardware, and there are all kinds of panels for sale out there. Therefore, you need a location that offers specialized maintenance and equipment that will last!

Find out how to attract more customers to your store!

Do you have doubts if the LED PANEL can attract more customers to your business?

The LED PANEL can transform visual communication and advertise your store to attract more traffic, impacting people who pass through your business with promotions and differentials.

See this testimonial from our customers at Openbox2, furniture and decoration outlet:

LED display for furniture and decoration store

The led display box out for innovation, they bring a totally new concept of furniture and decoration outlet, in addition to e-commerce, and at the POS they usually explore creativity. And among the most modern actions, is the use of the LED PANEL.This is having a business vision! And what have you done to innovate and attract more customers?

How does the Led totem improve the customer experience?

Do you already have led display module in your company? Know that this type of tool can attract the customer’s attention at your point of sale.

The Led display board in general is tools that enrich the visual communication and make much better user experience. After all, they are interactive and modern elements that help the customer to better understand the product and even discover what their real needs are within your company.

We can take into account visual communication by managers when designing a marketing strategy. This is because it is one of the key parts for the purchase process. It is undeniable that customers begin to consume any product by looking. The first consumer experience in your company is what he can see, the information he can absorb when looking at your store.

Advantages of using the LED lighted base in your company

The LED display base is the ideal option for those who need to improve the internal lighting of their store and want a modern and dynamic product. In addition, it is very advantageous for those who want to pass information in an interactive and fast way.

The cost benefit of this tool is very great. After all, the totem is easy to place in strategic locations. It is to attract the attention of its target audience and still fulfill its function of informing its consumers.

Here are the advantages that this tool can bring to your company:

  1. Dynamic and interactive

The LED lighted base allows the customer to interact, it is a tool where you can put videos demonstrating how to use the products, you can put different sectors of pieces in your store, and you can include information that will be useful for the customer. In other words, it is an information channel for your client.

Best of all, the digital totem is versatile. You can use it in your marketing campaigns, at your events or simply leave it fixed at your company.

  1. Versatile

You can use the LED totem to display videos with campaigns, or simply to provide information. It is a versatile tool that can be used according to your need.

3. High resolution of led display box

Do you sell products that have fine details, small parts and want to show everything to the consumer? The high resolution of the LED lighted base allows you to demonstrate images with high quality. Hence your consumer will be able to view all the details of your piece.

  1. Fits in any space

If you have little space inside your store, but want to put an LED totem pole, know that it is possible.

  1. Internal or external

Is your store inside a mall? One use option for the LED totem is to place it outside the store. The consumer can find all the information they need about a product or about your company.

LED 10 works with products that really meet the customer’s needs. That is, if you need a differentiated basis for your digital totem, we can build it according to the customer’s need.

6. Ambient lighting of foldable led screen

Have you ever thought about having a tool that will publicize your marketing campaign and at the same time integrate with the store designer, improving the decoration and ambient lighting? The LED display base can do that for you!

The high brightness of the screen and its vibrant colors will transform the interior of your store, further improving the consumer experience within your establishment.

How to increase restaurant revenue with Led panels?

The truth is that care for the restaurant begins on the building’s facade. You can have the best products and be the most accomplished cook in your region. Moreover, you will only be able to attract customers if you make a good impression.

In times when hygiene is in focus, a place that looks good conveys tranquility to customers. The LED panel on the facade of the building helps you to form a good pre-concept of the consumer. He will realize that your company is concerned with highlighting the brand.

How to increase restaurant revenue with lighted display case?

Visual communication through Led display board has the power to increase the restaurant’s revenue. Have you noticed that many people do not enter places that seem careless? Even if they have not heard any complaints, this restaurant is in danger of losing customers even before receiving them.

Therefore, it is necessary to always start taking care of the exterior of your establishment. Always put clear information on the menu and display the main dishes with Led display board.

Here are other ways to improve your restaurant’s profitability with the LED panel:

Value ingredients in images

How many times have you entered a restaurant or bar to buy a product and ended up going out with many others? This is because when viewing other products he ended up wanting to take them.

It is important to display your dishes and highlight the ingredients in an attractive way. For this, use the Led display board, put a video showing fresh products with recipes being prepared, valuing each stage of the dish process. Surely the customer will be mouthwatering and willing to buy the product.

Highlight the menu of the day with led display board

To increase the restaurant’s revenue with the Led display board, it is necessary to make the customer consume the dishes of the day. After all, they come up of meats and products that we need at the moment, they need to have more output.

For this, always highlight the menu, showing the customer that the dish is tasty. It is not enough to say with words, show photos and gifs on the LED panel.

  • Payment methods

Generally, a place with flexible forms of payment. Moreover, it accepts food vouchers or credit cards, ends up entering the graces of customers.

If your company offers different forms of payment, include this information along with the products shown on the Led display board.

  • Site lighting

The internal lighting of the restaurant that has an LED panel improves a lot! It is an item that goes beyond decoration, informs its employees and still manages to create a welcoming atmosphere for customers.

  • Hygiene standards

Show on the Led display board that your company is concerned with the hygiene of the place. In times of pandemic, to increase the restaurant’s revenue it is necessary to use visual communication to your advantage.

Display on the panel the importance of using masks and alcohol gel and make your customers feel safe inside your establishment.


Needless to say, the customer can be won over by the eyes. Display photos and videos of the food combos you are selling. Although static banners look efficient, the high resolution of the Led display board can show details of the dishes, winning over consumers.

Keyword: led display board, led display stand, curved led screen, led screen texture, led display module, led display box, 2 digit led display, foldable led screen, flexible led screen price

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