5 Types of Indoor Fixed Led Display you can use in Home

7月 20, 2021

Indoor Fixed Led Display

In 2020, 200.5 million people visited cinemas. Every year the number of viewers only increases, so cinemas are equipped with the most modern indoor fixed led display. Even in small cinemas today you will no longer find a scoreboard displaying the schedule of sessions.

 They were replaced long ago by LED screens with a bright and clear picture, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. The use of such devices is a pleasure for both visitors and staff.

New indoor fixed led display in cinema halls

When purchasing indoor fixed led display in a shopping center, businessmen think about how it would be profitable to put them in the halls of cinemas. Samsung has implemented this idea.

The screen, created by Samsung, has very modest dimensions: length – 10.24 m and width – 5.4 m. For comparison, a standard IMAX display is 22 m long and 16 wide. The novelty impresses with its 4K resolution. Thanks to it, any movie will be look more realistic. The dynamic resolution is quite high. 8.8 million LEDs are responsible for the functioning of the screen.

The manufacturers of the long-awaited novelty promise that its brightness will be 10 times higher than the brightness of previously common displays. In addition, the screen will help the owners of cinemas to save a lot on their electricity bills. HDR technology will make the picture brighter and more contrast, while using much less energy.

Indoor fixed led display is the Modern solutions for halls

Indoor fixed led display and creeping lines are already in use in cinemas across the country. With their help, visitors navigate in space, find out about the session time and watch ads. In those cinemas, where their functions are performed by LCD displays, significantly more electricity is wasted.

 In addition, screens have to be replaced periodically, which increases the cost of maintaining a movie display point.

LED screens installed in cinemas are often common to customize interiors. They are common to create unusual installations that help attract the attention of visitors. Such design decisions force those who come to see the film to devote a few minutes to watching ads.

What are some interesting features of indoor fixed led display?

Then everything depends only on the content: if the video is interesting, they will continue to watch it, if not, they will switch to something else.

Square and rectangular indoor fixed led display looks formulaic. Therefore, to stand out from others, advertisers use models of very large size or non-standard shape. Technology allows you to experiment with monitor shapes without sacrificing image quality.

Ball led screen

For the first time, LED screens of this shape were made in 2011. The unusual LED display was a success at Frankfurt 2012. Since then, ball-shaped screens have been common not only to display advertisements, but also to give originality to the design of the premises.

Indoor led screen

These displays are suspended from the ceiling, placed on rotating stands and fixed to the floor. At the airport, at the railway station or in the office of a travel agency, a screen designed in the form of a globe is appropriate. In a shopping or entertainment center, a screen-ball in the form of a lollipop looks attractive. The more original the solution, the more attention it will attract.

Cube indoor fixed led display

This screen shape allows you to place several different ad units. The cube indoor fixed led display, floating between the floor and the ceiling, looks futuristic and extravagant, and therefore attracts the attention of passers-by.

 In this position, the structure can broadcast both the same advertisement on all sides, and 5 different ad units. The cube screen can also be placed on the floor or on a pedestal. If you put it on one of the faces, the design will look non-standard.

A cube screen is much easier to adapt for advertising in different directions than a spherical one. The cube looks harmoniously in a museum, a train station, a shopping center, and an office building. Such a screen can be common as a decorative element, for example, making it look like a New Year’s gift.

Cone indoor fixed led display

Screens of this shape most often perform only a decorative function. Advertising on them is not very convenient, so the demand for such models is much lower than for balls and cubes. The cone-shaped screen can be suspended or fixed with the base down or with the base up.

Indoor Fixed Led Display 2021

With this LED display, you can add light to the room or decorate a shopping center for the holiday. For example, place an LED Christmas tree or a huge pyramid in the center of the hall.

Polygon Led Display

Such indoor fixed led display makes it possible to realize the most daring experiments. With its help, you can both display ads and add variety to the interior. Polygonal structures are highly flexible and lightweight, so they can be placed on almost any uneven surface. It is easy to “wrap” a column, a curbstone, and a wall with a screen.


The screens of this form are convenient to use as advertising structures that also serve to indicate the location of the object. They can be installed both inside a shopping or office center and outside.

indoor led screen

Cylinder screens can show previews of performances near the theater or films near the cinema. The cylindrical display can also be common to show weather forecasts and other useful information.

4 facts you didn’t know about indoor fixed led display

LEDs are common in a wide variety of applications. With their help, residential and industrial premises, streets and architectural elements are illuminated. They are installed in road signs, indicators, traffic lights, parking lights and vehicle braking signals.

 The sphere of advertising is especially worth highlighting. In it, LEDs are common as one of the main elements of screens from which relevant ads, commercials and social videos are broadcast. What else can you say about LEDs?

They don’t burn out

LEDs are rightfully recognized as champions in terms of the duration of work; however, they cannot shine forever. On average, after 50,000 – 100,000 hours, they fade and gradually fade. It is impossible to return the brightness to the LEDs, so the spent element has to be changed.

To assess the working capabilities of LEDs, it is enough to compare the duration of their operation with other lighting options. So, an incandescent lamp with a power of 100 W will work only 1000 hours. The energy-saving model will last 12,000 hours, and the LED will last 11 years. It is not surprising that indoor fixed led display is sold all over the world and everywhere these devices are in demand.

LED Facts

They do not heat up

If you had to change a light bulb in a lamp or chandelier, you have probably come across the fact that after it burned out, it remained hot. This is one of the features of incandescent lamps and energy saving models. In the latter, heating is much less, but still present. Therefore, you can burn yourself with such a lamp.

The LED is much safer in this sense. It does not heat up significantly, and therefore you can touch it with your bare hands even during the operation of the device in which it is installed. This feature makes it safe and easy to check and repair LED devices.

Indoor fixed led display don’t flicker

Both incandescent and neon bulbs produce vibrating light. It irritates the retina of the eye, and therefore helps to reduce visual acuity. For this reason, ophthalmologists advise working as little as possible at the computer, reading and writing under artificial light. Indoor fixed led display does not flicker, so they do not adversely affect vision.

Indoor fixed led display emit a narrow light spectrum

Conventional light bulbs produce a wide spectrum of light, so external filters are needed to color it in a specific shade. LEDs immediately emit a specific color. The color range depends on the semiconductors common in the system. This feature allows you to avoid spending on the purchase of light filters and to simplify the lighting system.

LED floor – a new word in advertising

If an LED screen hanging on the outer or inner wall of a building no longer surprises anyone, then an LED floor is a rare phenomenon. The appearance of such a coating has become a sensation in the world of advertising and interior design.

Indoor fixed led display surprised not only with visual appeal, but also with the ability to interact with people. To create it, 2 technologies are common: LED (we owe it to bright light and richness of colors) and interactive (thanks to it, the flooring reacts to the actions of people).

What is hidden under the led floor?

The LED floor is based on a double metal frame made of lightweight profiles. The covering, on which people will move, is made of triplex glass or monolithic polycarbonate. Both materials are characterized by high strength, durability and aesthetics.

 The modules in which the LEDs are installed are hidden under the cover. For their production, LED strips are common, which are combined into a single network. This network is controlled from a computer or a light console. Since the structure consists of modules, it is easy to adapt it to rooms with different layouts and sizes.

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