Led Billboard Advertising: 5 reasons to Brand Your Company on Led Panels

6月 16, 2021

Led Billboard Advertising

The use of led billboard advertising has increased rapidly and, in recent years. It has become a very effective communication strategy for any type of business. Let’s see why it is so important to have an outdoor LED advertising device.

Content index

  • LED Wall outdoor
  • How to choose the LED device
  • LED Wall outdoor positioning
  • City authority authorizations
  • Features LED Wall outdoor
  • Agreements for the sale of advertisements
  • Cost of LED Wall outdoor?

LED Wall outdoor

The devices with led billboard advertising technology represent a method to develop the marketing strategy of a business in a totally innovative way. The remarkable visual imprint is capable of providing an external LED Wall. Thanks to the enormous level of brightness it can emit, have made this product one of the most sought after by commercial activities in direct contact with the public.

How to choose the led billboard advertising?

LED Wall outdoor positioning

If, on the other hand, the traffic of vehicles is at high speed, the Led wall gets position at a high height in order to prolong the viewing time. In these cases it may be functional to install the device on the sides of a building.

City authority authorizations

A long-term, low-priced contract we should sign with the owner, company, or authority of the location for the led screen.

The terms of this contract should be comprehensive. And, if possible, should be prepared by an experienced lawyer. Before signing the contract, it is necessary to contact the local municipality to obtain the appropriate legal permit.

Features led billboard advertising outdoor

In addition to the positioning of an advertising LED screen, it is of fundamental importance to consider two other factors in the choice. It comes with the size that the outdoor led billboard advertising must have and the level of resolution required.

Buying a small screen or with a resolution level that is not too high. It is just to save money would lose all the peculiarities of this form of communication with a high visual impact. Of course, the high resolution and screen size also mean a significant increase in costs.

How to set up led billboard advertising?

Agreements for the sale of advertisements

Furthermore, a very important factor to consider is that relating to the possibility of selling advertising space to other commercial activities. Obviously, in order to be attractive in this market, it will be essential to place an outdoor led billboard advertising in areas with high traffic, both pedestrian and vehicle.

However, the economic benefits of these trade agreements will be significantly high. A parameter to be evaluated in the event that it is decided to resell the advertising spaces to third-party companies is related to the type of commercial agreement.

In fact, the choice to sell spaces at certain time slots or at certain times of the day may not elicit the desired response. Since they provide for low costs of producing the contents, certainly represent a much more appreciated solution by companies.

5 reasons for your brand to have an LED panel

In this article, we will cover 05 reasons for your brand to have a LED Panel.

The LED display is the most effective way for you to adopt if you are thinking of investing in options to get people involved in your business.

For this reason, the LED panels, with their striking colors and advanced technology, have revolutionized the advertising market.

Led Billboard Advertising 2021

If you have any doubts about investing in this technology, we have listed 5 reasons for your brand to have led billboard advertising.

What are the 5 reasons to invest in led billboard advertising?

1. FIRST, HIGHLIGHT: Due to their luminosity and intense colors, the LED panels, arrived for the purpose of attracting people’s attention. You are then walking on the streets or even driving and you will be impacted with the Panel.

2. MODERNITY: You have to agree with me that a panel conveys a modern feel. Visibility, visual identity, a well-kept and modern space are these sensations that are passed on to customers, for example.

3. ECONOMY: A big advantage then is that LED lamps are an innovative form of lighting, which bring a reduction of almost 90% on the bill. It’s pretty considerable! Surely you have already been advised to use them in your own home due to their low consumption of electricity.

4. DOES NOT EMIT HEAT: It is wrong to think that the panel will make your establishment warmer, on the contrary, the LED lamp is cooler than the others.

5. MULTIFUNCTIONALITY: Did you know that it’s not just your façade that you can invest in led billboard advertising? Well, it can also be used for various banners or displays, billboards and so on.

led billboard advertising Provides Great Impact on Shop

Therefore, the habit of printing posters to update offers is a cost with a great impact on the store’s revenue. In addition to the effort required to change the posters, the digital showcases make it possible to dynamically change the content presented. It comes without the need to spend on prints and paper.

With the use of a virtual window in your retail, it is possible to increase the flow of customers and sales made. It is a technology capable of attracting consumers to your store without much effort, for example.

Where to use an LED Panel?

This is a common question for many business managers. Therefore, we will answer these questions in this article.

If your answer is yes, read this article to the end, to be more informed about the subject, and know the best option to purchase yours. Look!

Currently, many stores require dressing a mannequin every week with new clothes. But the truth is that it is possible. And as a result of the led billboard advertising, you can include short video clips with real models, always wearing the best pieces of your own store?


Installing an LED display fulfills all the necessary functions in a store, for example. It replaces the mannequins, displaying all the pieces of the store in one place. Moreover, it highlights the new collections, informing the price of the products.

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