5 Advantages of using Rental Display Screens in your Commercial Mall

5月 18, 2021

Do you want to buy a rental display for outdoor advertising, but do not know what to choose from a huge number of offers on the Internet? This article will answer all sorts of questions regarding outdoor advertising screens. Rest assured that after reading, you will choose what you need!

Let’s start, perhaps, with a standard introduction and explain the concept of “street led screen”, its capabilities and applications.

How to rental display change information on a led screen?

To place, add or replace information on the ice screen, a special simple program is used that comes with the kit and can be installed on a computer or even a smartphone. Cool, yeah?

The standardly programmed content is transferred to the screen via an ordinary USB flash drive. But it is also possible to transfer information over a local area network LAN and even over WiFi. You need to choose the download method based on the placement, the way the rental display is used and the banal convenience for you.

Rental display screen installation

If you have already decided which LED screen to buy, we have to upset you, because before buying you need to think about installing the screen. And this is a separate story and a separate project.

Before installation, an analysis of the location and calculations are carried out for the possibility of placing this screen in this place. As well as a metal structure that will make an ice screen out of ice modules.

LED screens, signs are advertising media that are of great benefit to their owner. And this is not only the promotion of the company’s goods and services. What else is beneficial to use LED screens?


Many companies offer their goods and services to consumers on the market, and there is a constant competition between them. Businessmen have to look for new ways to get consumers to give preference to their products. What entrepreneurs do to attract customer flow?

  • increase the assortment;
  • conduct sales;
  • arrange promotions.

These measures can be costly for a company if it does not have rental display. LED scoreboards, scrolling text will allow you to quickly convey information to customers. In addition, you can display various information on the screen. To do this, you just need to adjust the frequency of its display.

Rental display Improves Company Image

The LED sign can be customized to match the corporate identity of the organization. Then the board will become part of the design of the office, shopping complex. If the advertising of the company is done carefully, it is thought out; it will tell consumers that the company is growing.

 If an organization owns a whole network of establishments, offices, then the signs sustained in the same style will increase the recognition of its brand name.


The LED sign can become a kind of navigation indicator. Sometimes people need to find a store, an ATM of a certain bank, but they walk past them without noticing. The ice sign located nearby, above the entrance of the store, office will attract the attention of the consumer. The buyer will not pass by, but will come in to receive the desired service, purchase a product.


Equipment made on the basis of rental display technology is increasingly entering our lives. These are lighting devices for home and industry, pocket flashlights. Also, LED technology is used in the automotive industry. And, of course, they are used in the advertising field.


Sports events always attract large numbers of spectators. Therefore, ice screens can be seen already at all stadiums. They are installed for several reasons:

  • to display entertainment information;
  • Moreover, to show replays of significant match events;
  • to broadcast advertisements for sponsors of the event.

The advantage of rental display for showing advertisements is that you can upload a video literally a few minutes before the competition. In addition, it is possible to change the order of displaying ads during the course of the competition.


At concerts, shows, festive events, LED displays are also widely used. This is due to the fact that the led display is the only piece of equipment that can reach enormous dimensions and not glare in sunny weather. In addition, the video equipment used on the road is easy to mount and dismantle.


In places with high traffic, you can often see billboards. But such an advertising medium is not always convenient. To start an advertising campaign, you need to print a banner, stick it to the billboard. But when you need to quickly change information, it is difficult to do it. In addition, there are not always clients on advertising platforms. In this case, the owners of the shield have to hang their advertising poster on it or somehow decorate it in another way. All these are unnecessary expenses.

By installing a led screen instead of a billboard, this problem will not arise. One display can load 20 customers’ videos. In addition, when using it, such financial and time costs as printing and installing a banner disappear. The freed up time can be spent on finding clients who will broadcast advertisements on the video panel.

Mobile rental display

The mobile version of the video equipment is a truck, the side of which is equipped with an ice panel. Rental display is convenient for off-site parties, organizing short-term events. Also, a truck driving around the city with a video screen can be used in an advertising campaign.

How to decorate a store or mall with advertising? You are not the first and far from the last who asks yourself this question and does not know what to answer. Advertising design is one of the most important parts of the PR of your point of sale.

 With the help of outdoor and indoor advertising, the store, the mall keeps afloat and survives in the stormy ocean of business.

What do you need to successfully advertise your store?

Rental Display 2021

There are many rows of goods in the store. The mall has many rows with shops and other points. How to correctly orient a client in a huge space? What rules for the design of a store and a shopping center should be applied in order to attract customers and make them want to come back again?

Down with the rules, friends!

All you need to be successful is a professional rental display advertising company that offers a comprehensive advertising solution. We are nominating ourselves as candidates 🙂

With our tried and tested, end-to-end solution for shops and malls, you:

  • 1 save money;
  • 2 get everything at once;
  • 3 achieve harmony in the design;
  • 4 you will not waste time and nerves.

Outdoor rental display advertising will be useful in navigation, attraction, promotion. Comprehensive internal advertising will help the client find the right stores in the mall or navigate between the shelves with goods. In addition, it will allow you to highlight some specific products, pay more attention to promotions and discounts, and generally feel comfortable.

Best end-to-end solution for store and shopping center

Have you firmly decided that you want to order an exclusively complex solution for shops and shopping malls? Or maybe you still have doubts and want to see what we can offer from promotional products? Check out our ideas for the design of shopping centers and shops. We are sure you will not be disappointed. 

Outside the store and the mall may be …

Volumetric light and non-light letters

If the store front faces the street, be sure to take light volumetric letters.

Is the store inside the mall? You can also install rental display structures, since the mall has third-party lighting, and your sign will not drown in the darkness of the night. Illuminated volumetric letters are also suitable and even work better, because with the help of illumination they attract more attention to the point of sale.

As for the sign at the mall, without a doubt, we recommend only and only light volumetric letters. Preferably with bright and attractive backlighting. For example, backlight in combination with LED or dynamic with external LEDs. You need to grab the maximum attention!

 Rental display Lightbox

Another great solution for facade signage. More suitable for a store and it does not matter whether it is outside or in a shopping center. The lightbox is especially successful when used with dynamic lighting. For example, blinking or transfusion modes.

The design of shopping centers is rarely complete without facade cladding, and rightly so. In addition to attractive appearance, Panels protect the building from noise and insulate the walls. Large and small shops also often order cladding. Why not? After all, there are so many benefits from it!


If the mall is large (the size of a hypermarket or so), do not skimp on a firewall. Not the cheapest, but incredibly successful outdoor rental display advertising. Due to its enormous size, it is noticed by everyone. 100% audience coverage is guaranteed exclusively by a firewall!

We highly recommend adding this structure to the complex solution: place it on the facade of the mall and your store will not end up with customers.

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