2 Major Types of outdoor p3.91 rental led display you can try in 2021

5月 16, 2021

How to choose a Led screen for advertising? Types and features of LED screens

outdoor p3.91 rental led display

Do you want to buy an outdoor p3.91 rental led display for outdoor advertising, but do not know what to choose from a huge number of offers on the Internet? This article will answer all sorts of questions regarding outdoor advertising screens. Rest assured that after reading, you will choose what you need!

Let’s start, perhaps, with a standard introduction and explain the concept of “street led screen”, its capabilities and applications.

Areas of application of outdoor p3.91 rental led display advertising:

  • – Shopping and business centers;
  • – Billboards along roads and tracks;
  • – Organizers of concerts and other events;
  • – Organizers of sports competitions.

At the moment, these are the most popular areas that buy outdoor p3.91 rental led display screens. And we are confident that this list will grow rapidly.

What does a led screen consist of?

At the very beginning, we indicated that the screen consists of dots (led pixels), but there is one correction. A led screen consists of a set of led modules, while a led module, in turn, consists of pixels.

Today there are 2 main types of pixels for LED screens:

DIP technology – involves the placement of 3 separate LEDs (red, blue and green), which are located next to each other in the shape of a triangle. This is 1 pixel, where combinations of 3 colors create the entire palette. This technology is considered obsolete.

SMD technology – assumes the location of all the same 3 LEDs, but not separately, but placed under the lens. One such lens is 1 pixel. This technology is advanced and is widely used.

If you are faced with the choice of DIP or SMD, do not hesitate to choose the second option.

When choosing an advertising screen, consider the distance between the screen and the stream of potential viewers.

For outdoor ice screens, outdoor p3.91 rental led display with a pixel pitch of 10, 8 and 6 mm are usually common. Moreover, smaller steps are already good for indoor screens, which we will discuss in the next article.

Regarding the size of ice Screens …

It is better to choose the format of the LED screen based on the popular computer formats 4: 3 or 16: 9, so that it can broadcast any picture or video. Otherwise, the content will need to be made specifically for your individual format. And this is very inconvenient and expensive.

Brightness of LED screens

This is a very important characteristic for outdoor screens, since sunlight should not interfere with the viewing of the video. The brightness is measured in nits (cd / m²).

For outdoor screens, you should not choose modules with a brightness of less than 2000 cd / m², and if your screen is exposed to the sun for a long time, its brightness should be at least 6000 cd / m², that is, not inferior to the brightness of the sun on the earth’s surface.

LED screen installation

If you have already decided which outdoor p3.91 rental led display screen to buy, we have to upset you, because before buying you need to think about installing the screen. And this is a separate story and a separate project.

outdoor p3.91 rental led display 2021

Before installation, an analysis of the location and calculations go out for the possibility of placing this screen in this place. As well as a metal structure that will make an ice screen out of ice modules.


Recently, a survey was conducted of consumers who were asked to describe how the crisis affected their daily lives. The survey comes among people from 10 to 75 years old. The results of the calculation of answers showed that 87% of respondents complained about the continuous rise in prices for goods.

Similarly, 16% complained about the reduction or complete cancellation of discounts, and another 24% told about a decrease in salary.


During the crisis, most consumers began to cut costs. More often than not, people cut costs through durable goods. But at the same time, seasonal sales took place at the end of summer; as a result, consumers began to save less. What does this mean – people have money, just in conditions of instability, they began to spend it prudently. 

As for the service sector, consumers will be saving for now and in the near future. People are trying to save money on sports, hobbies, travel and recreation. In addition, we noted that those customers have become less likely to visit supermarkets.

 They no longer take everything that falls on their eyes. They began to study promotions, trying not to take big carts when they come to buy groceries. In addition, consumers have begun to give preference to convenience stores. Also, according to the survey, it became clear

  • 50% of buyers started going to a store with a list of products;
  • 43% of consumers prefer special offer products;
  • 37% became involved in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, as well as handicrafts.

But still, despite the crisis, people are not ready to deny themselves everything. Many people still buy expensive goods, believing that it is better to take fewer products, but of better quality. In addition, there is a category of people who believe that the crisis provides opportunities.

 If before that people bought goods of familiar brands, now they look at others if they can be bought cheaper. As a result, the choice of new brands increased by 5%.


The analysis of consumers’ attention to advertising has shown that its decline has become noticeable across all media. At the same time, the drop is most noticeable in outdoor advertising. At the same time, street advertising media managed to remain the main channel of communication with consumers, more than 78% of them notice it. Major changes in consumer attitudes towards advertising:

  • During the crisis, buyers’ interest in outdoor p3.91 rental led display and in shop windows increased. Many people are looking for promotions and price tags with special offers.
  • The irritation caused by advertisements has decreased. This happened due to the fact that due to the difficult economic situation, consumer behavior has changed. Nowadays, advertising is perceived by buyers as a useful source of information about products.
  • The volume of advertising media that grab the attention of consumers has decreased. People are tired of the wide variety of advertisements. In addition, they have learned to ignore the advertising information that they do not want to perceive.

Why the demand for outdoor p3.91 rental led display increased?

The last few years have seen a significant increase in interest in LED screens. They began to be used in a wide variety of areas. Previously, led panels were rented for events – opening companies, showing presentations, broadcasting a concert with celebrities.

 Today, LED screens are everywhere – at train stations, airports, restaurants, shopping centers, hotels.


The list of reasons for the growing popularity of ice panels:

  • price reduction;
  • weight reduction;
  • profitability;
  • technological progress.

Digital technology is evolving rapidly. If displays of the previous generation were bulky, now the buyer has the opportunity to choose equipment of any size and configuration.

Availability of outdoor p3.91 rental led display

The second reason for the increase in demand is availability, now the prices for LED screens have become much more democratic. Just a few years ago, producing ice displays was expensive. Because of this, not only the acquisition, but even the lease of digital panels was unprofitable. 

Now the cost of producing outdoor p3.91 rental led display has decreased, so their prices have dropped. At the same time, the cost of the equipment has become so much lower that even the owner of a small company can afford to buy it. The purchase of a led device will pay off quickly.

Lighter weights

Another reason is weight change. If earlier LED screens were heavy, now they have become much lighter. The equipment has become easier to install, maintain, dismantle, and transport. These qualities of ice panels are convenient for businessmen who rent LED boards, for creative teams giving performances, concerts.

Modern led panels consume a small amount of electrical energy, which makes them economical to operate. They also look attractive.

The listed reasons are factors contributing to the widespread use of LED screens. They are used as information boards, advertising platforms, and decorations for concert and theater halls.

Never Forget the Quality of Renal led screen

Of course, you need to look at the quality of the content broadcast to consumers. Bright, catchy, creative advertising can generate a strong response. But when considering one total of the same content in different formats, the indicators will be different. A study shows that the highest percentage of brand awareness comes from advertising placed on digital media. These are media facades, video screens.


Our company produces outdoor, indoor outdoor p3.91 rental led display of various shapes and sizes. If you need a digital screen, but you have difficulties with the choice of products, please contact our staff. The company’s specialists will give you advice, select equipment with technical capabilities suitable for your tasks.

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